Proud to be an American, with Tara Ross
Mother, wife, author, retired lawyer -- American! Stay tuned to my page for daily history stories: The American Revolution, World War II, aviation milestones, presidential history.... any of these (and more) are fair game! Monday is always "Medal of Honor Monday"! I've written books about the Electoral College, so defenses of our constitutional institutions might crop up from time to time. History posts & commentary are copyright 2013-2021 by Tara Ross
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March 18, 2021
This Day in History: The Stamp Act is repealed

On this day in 1766, the Stamp Act is repealed. That Act levied taxes upon American colonists despite our lack of representation in Parliament. It had been approved just one year earlier, on March 22, 1765.

That March approval date left a lot of time before its November implementation date. The colonists had many months in which to stew over the injustice: Only the colonial legislatures should have the authority to levy taxes in America! Why should Parliament get to take money out of Americans’ pockets when the colonists had no representation in that body?!

Needless to say, the colonists were irate. How would they respond to this encroachment upon their rights?

Americans aimed many of their protests at the stamp collectors. If the collectors could be persuaded to resign from their positions, then how would the King collect his taxes? You’ve doubtless heard of many of these more fiery events. Mobs burned the effigies of stamp collectors and Royal Governors, and they attacked the homes of these Loyalists.

There were other, less violent means of protest, though.

The story continues here:

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TDIH: Happy 2nd of July!

On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress declared America’s independence! Did you know that this vote actually occurred on July 2, not July 4?

“That these United Colonies are,” congressional delegates resolved, “and, of right, ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown . . . .”

There would be no more attempts to reconcile with Great Britain.

John Adams was elated, and he thought that July 2 would be celebrated as a memorable day in American history. He wrote Abigail: “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.”

The story continues here:

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Medal of Honor Monday: Jimmie Monteith

On this day in 1917, a hero is born. Jimmie W. Monteith Jr. was among those brave Americans who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. He would go on to receive a Medal of Honor for his actions at Omaha Beach.

“Monteith’s heroism was so apparent,” the National D-Day Memorial website concludes, “that both General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General Omar Bradley personally recommended Monteith posthumously receive the nation’s highest honor for valor in combat.”

Did anyone think that the college dropout would go on to be a war hero?

The story continues here:

TDIH: Washington on Church and State

On this day in 1782, George Washington writes a letter to the Reformed Dutch Church at Albany. He was then in the middle of a quick trip to that city.

“May the preservation of your civil and religious Liberties still be the care of an indulgent Providence,” Washington wrote the church, “and may the rapid increase and universal extension of knowledge virtue and true Religion be the consequence of a speedy and honorable Peace.”

Funny words to write if he truly believed that church and state should be separated. Don’t you think? Food for thought for your day.

Dear regular readers: Full-fledged history stories resume on Monday.

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