Proud to be an American, with Tara Ross
Mother, wife, author, retired lawyer -- American! Stay tuned to my page for daily history stories: The American Revolution, World War II, aviation milestones, presidential history.... any of these (and more) are fair game! Monday is always "Medal of Honor Monday"! I've written books about the Electoral College, so defenses of our constitutional institutions might crop up from time to time. History posts & commentary are copyright 2013-2021 by Tara Ross
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TDIH: Reagan on Independence Day

On this day in 1986, Ronald Reagan delivers a message in observance of America's 210th birthday.

The full quote is even better. He said: "[The Founding Fathers’ vision was] of a striving, God-fearing, self-reliant people living in the sunlight of justice and breathing the bracing air of liberty. As the years unrolled, generations of Americans painted that vision across the broad canvass of the continent. It has always been the secret of our progress, our power, and our prosperity. Whenever we have allowed it to fade we have done so at our peril. Whenever it has burned bright we have amazed the world with our inventiveness, our daring, our achievements, and our magnanimity."

So true, don't you think?

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TDIH: The tragic death of Calvin Coolidge's son

On this day in 1924, President Calvin and First Lady Grace Coolidge tend to their son at Walter Reed Army hospital. Their teenaged son was deathly ill and not expected to survive.

It was an unexpected and shocking tragedy that left the Coolidges devastated.

The 16-year-old boy had been playing tennis on the White House lawn just a few days earlier when he got a seemingly harmless blister. He wasn’t wearing socks that day. Unfortunately, the blister got infected. It’s the type of injury that would be quickly treated with antibiotics today, but back then the infection was life threatening.

The story continues here:

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This Day in History: Happy Independence Day!

On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress adopts our Declaration of Independence. It had already resolved on July 2 that “these United Colonies are, and, of right, ought to be, Free and Independent States . . . .” Now it formally adopted a written document, too.

It took nearly a month to write the Declaration. You may know that Thomas Jefferson was the primary author, but he had help, too.

What is the rest of the story?

On June 11, Congress nominated a “Committee of Five” to draft a declaration. This committee did not leave a written record of its deliberations. Instead, the accounts we have were written many years later, when memories had faded. Many of them were conflicting. We may never know exactly how our Declaration was drafted, but we can get a general idea of the series of events.

The story continues here:

TDIH: Happy 2nd of July!

On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress declared America’s independence! Did you know that this vote actually occurred on July 2, not July 4?

“That these United Colonies are,” congressional delegates resolved, “and, of right, ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown . . . .”

There would be no more attempts to reconcile with Great Britain.

John Adams was elated, and he thought that July 2 would be celebrated as a memorable day in American history. He wrote Abigail: “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America.”

The story continues here:

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